Thursday, February 12, 2009

Progress (Started 2/8/09 and finished on 2/11/09)

End of Week 2, 235.6 pounds, 6.4 pounds lost
I weighed yesterday morning; looking forward to what the scale would say. I’d been diligent in tracking what I ate, avoiding late night snacking and eating healthy, or at least low cal snacks when I did snack during the day. I felt pretty confident that I would have lost at least a couple pounds. When the scale said 235.6, I was pretty disappointed. I thought that I had weighed in one day during the week and was down to 235.0, though I didn’t write it down so can’t be sure. Consequently, I thought that week over week I had actually gained a few ounces. I couldn’t believe it. I weighed again to be sure. Same result exactly. As it turns out, I’d weighed 236.4 the previous week so I lost 7/8ths of a pound. Not what I was looking for after losing over 5 pounds the first week, but I knew that wasn’t sustainable. And I’ve still lost over 3 pounds a week for the first two weeks so that’s really good. But I am concerned that it slowed down so quickly. I wonder if I need to curb my calories even more. So, I put all the daily calorie counts in a spreadsheet so I can start tracking calories on a weekly and average daily basis to make sure I’m staying on track. Week 1 was 14075 total calories for an average of 2010 calories and 15092 in week 2 for an average 2156. So an extra 150 calories per day on average. Was that the difference between losing 5 pounds and 1? I don’t know.

Exercise has been going pretty well; I’ve done 6 of 7 days each week so I feel pretty good about that part. A few days ago, I changed from two three pound dumb bells to my free weights and am now using two 9 pound bars/weights. There are some exercises with that weight that are pretty easy at 10 reps and some that become difficult toward the end, so I’m probably going to need to bring up some of the other weights and start using the long bar and additional weight for those exercises that aren’t hard to do.

So, now it is three days later and what a difference a few days can make. I think it was the next day or something crazy that I weighed myself again and I was down to 230. I couldn’t believe it. I’ve since weighed myself about every day, though I’m not writing it down and it’s been any where from 232 to 234; but the good news is that I’m still losing weight.

Since tracking my daily caloric intake on the spreadsheet, I’ve been more diligent about trying to keep my intake under 2000/day. This week is at 1904 so far so I’m feeling pretty good about that. I know I was eating less the first two weeks than when I started, but I’m really trying hard to keep it under 2000 now. I had one day at over 2400 and another over 2100 and then somehow had a day at 1295, but as I do this more, I think I’ll get better at staying closer to the goal.

I’ve been pretty hit or miss on getting up to do my exercising first thing in the morning; most days in the last week have probably been in the evening either right before or right after putting the girls to bed. It’s not ideal, but I am having a hard time getting to bed at 10 which I need to if I’m going to feel rested at 6am the next day to exercise. I also notice I’m much more motivated when I’m awake in the evenings and tend to walk at a faster speed on the treadmill. The important thing is that I do it and I have still missed just two days in the 19 days since I started. I’m looking forward to this weekend’s weigh in and think it is time for another picture. I really want to be able to see the progression when I get down to my goal weight. One more cool thing this week, I found that I had to move to my last belt loop hole. In another month or so, I’m going to need to get a new belt, I hope.

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